Thursday, April 21, 2011


what to do when your dear friend whole-heartedly believes the world is coming to an end in just 30 days...

i'm not even poking fun, just legitimately concerned for him. how will he react when may 22nd comes? as he told me tonight while handing me a bible in a restaurant parking lot, 'you know this is the only thing i take seriously in this life, so i need for the people i care about to listen to me and be educated.' he's been a follower of harold camping and family radio for a few years now and has started to throw his life away with this almost obsession with it. he became unemployed around the same time that he started preaching campings word to his friends. his 'job' for the past few years has been working out and spreading god's word. a friend of mine recently spotted him holding a sign on the side of the road with the countdown till judgement day. he's told me himself that he hands out literature outside of grocery stores. he's been giving away his belongings. he hardly eats. he has a severe eating/body image disorder for years that he is in denial of. "i'm the healthiest person i know" is his response whenever a nutritionist is brought up. he's not physically taking care of himself and he thinks the world is ending. i'm sincerely worried for him more than ever now. in these "final days" leading up to "the great rapture", what will he do? how will he react? what happens the next day when everything is ok? he's devoted his WHOLE EXISTENCE to this one belief, and now when it doesn't pan out, and when harold camping has to call it 'his bad', what is he going to do with himself? i'm really worried for him.

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